About Rockbridge Farmers Coop
Lexington, VA

About Us
Originally founded in 1917 as the Rockbridge Farmers Exchange, the Rockbridge Farmers Cooperative was founded in 1921 as a resource for local farmers and customers. For many years we have aimed to provide quality products, advice, and service to Rockbridge County and its surrounding areas. We are a supplier of a broad spectrum of products including feed, fencing, fertilizer, hardware, animal health products, lawn & garden products, footwear & apparel, seed, livestock equipment, power equipment, pet food, and various pet supplies. The staff here is available and willing to help you with all of your farm, home, and garden needs.
Mission Statement:
To provide our patrons with quality products and exceptional service at competitive prices that will enhance producer profitability and keep Rockbridge Farmer's Cooperative, as a farmer owned cooperative, financially strong and growing. In addition to welcoming, helping, and serving the needs of our patrons by making each experience a positive one.
Your Elected Board Member Representatives:
- CB Leech IV, Chairman
- Richard Clemmer, Vice Chairman
- John Houser, Secretary
- Will Leech
- Jon McDonald
- Robert Whipple
- Scott Heslep